Thursday, August 17, 2006


New Blog Host

I have been experimenting with a new blog host called Vox.
I have no plans of changing wisdom heart.
I think vox is still in beta testing. It is really easy to use but it differs quite a bit from blogger.
The idea behind it seems to be a merger of blogging and social networking (ala myspace). It makes it really easy to share photos, music, videos, and books. I don't think it allows comments unless you are a member, which is a drag. I am sure it will be in constant evolution until it is fully open and out of testing. At this point, I haven't figured out how to tweak the code for the site. This makes it a little less versatile than blogger.
If you are interested in trying Vox, I have a few invites I can send to those of you who regularly visit wisdomheart.
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