Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Day Two-still critical

Sophia is doing better today, but is still critical. Her oxygen levels are key to her success at this point. She is of course intubated and a ventilator is doing her breathing for her. She is receiving many medications I will not list here. But I will say she has close to a dozen medication pumps. She is receiving clear fluids intravenously. She is getting versad as a sedative and fentanyl for pain management. She is also getting a drug that paralyzes her and allows her to relax while things adjust. I know that is very vague, but it is the best I can explain it right now. She is getting a respitory treatment called nitric oxide that helps to dilate her pulmonary vessels. This will allow her to more efficiently oxygenate her blood. She is also getting oxygen through her ventilator. They have begun to wean both of these, oxygen and nitric oxide. They have left her chest open to allow for swelling and will close it when she needs less respitory support. The cardiac surgeons and her cardiologist are encouraged by her progress since yesterday, but she still has a long way to go. Her care is being managed by an Intensive Care doctor.
I will try to post some pictures and an explanation of what the surgeon found during surgery either later this afternoon or tomorrow.
Please keep checking in. And please send your thoughts, feelings and comments. Hearing encouragement really helps in a situation like this.