Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Impending Surgery

As surgery approaches Patty and I are getting a little more anxious. I think it is perfectly normal, but it is curious nonetheless.
It is hard of course for me to focus all my attention on the matters at home with all the hardship elsewhere. However, being aware that my mind is agitated by my concerns for Sophia, I can see how my feelings in general are magnified regarding other issues in the world.
I think the rational aspects of my thought processes have divorced themselves from the emotional and vice versa. In other words I find myself having emotions run amok without any basis in rational thought and rationality that is cold and nihilistic, desperately needing the warmth of emotion.
I think this is why people turn to spirituality in times like these. When spiritual practice is at its best, it unifies these two seemingly disparate sides of the mind into a balanced whole. In my particular practice it is about the unification of compassion and wisdom. I find it very helpful to use difficult times like these to notice how my mind works with the experience and hopefully find some level of understanding and balance from it.
I know this post is a little bit of a departure from the types of post I have put up thus far. But, I thought it might help me to find that understanding and balance if I posted regarding the issues I wrote about above.
Thanks for your patience-Michael