Monday, October 10, 2005


Chest Incision-staples removed

Sophia went to surgery clinic today to have the staples removed from her chest incision. They also removed the stitches from where her Blakes (chest tubes) were. She tolerated it really well. We are going to see her pediatrician this afternoon. As I stated in the previous post, Sophia has been kind of grumpy and whiny. She has also had a good deal of junk in her nose and throat.
We first suspected a cold or infection. But Sophia does not have a fever and the symptoms really seems to come and go.
So here is what I am thinking. Sophia has a significant history of acid reflux and is on a lot of medication for it. Mainly, she was getting significant doses of both zantac and prilosec prior to surgery. When we were in the PICU, one of the intensivists told us that zantac antagonizes the effect of prilosec and took her off of the zantac. Since then, Sophia has developed a cough, stuffy nose, and she cries more.
I cannot find any literature that proves what the doctor in the PICU said and I think she needs to go back on the zantac.
So, we are going to see the pediatrician to make sure she doesn't have a bug. But mostly to confirm our suspicion that she needs to go back on the zantac. It is worth noting that it took several months to get her reflux under control and one doctors decision negated much of the progress we had made.
I will post once my hypothesis is confirmed by her pediatrician. But, I am pretty confident it will be.

The pedatrician confirmed my suspicions and put her back on zantac. But, he also thought she might have a little cold.
Sophia wasn't thrilled we decided to get her flu shot while we were there. But she wasn't real upset by it.
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