Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Going Home

We are still at the hospital but are going home today.
Sophia has made a record recovery for a unifocalization.
Sophia has shown signs of narcotic withdrawal. So, we will have to continue to taper them off over the next couple of weeks. Other than that, we only have a few new medications for home. Cardiovascular surgery has her on lasix and ibuprofen. And she has some nystatin she gets in her mouth for thrush caused by the antibiotics she received in the PICU.
The narcotics taper will be Oxycodone and Ativan(lorazpam) and will probably be 12 days. Reducing the dose by small amounts each day.
Sophia goes in on Monday to have the staples removed from her chest incision. Until then we just have to apply betadine twice a day.
I will post more over the next few days.
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