Thursday, July 06, 2006


Chest is Closed

They closed Sophia's chest at about 3:30pm. Everything went just fine.
We are now waiting for her to wake up a little so we can get her off of the ventilator.
Her sedation medication was turned off after the chest was closed. But she got a good sized dose for the closing. She has to wake up on her own at her own pace. So all we can do is wait. I will let you know when she is off the vent.
Good to hear she's closed up and will be waking up soon. Hope extubation goes smooth as silk!
Looking forward to more good news! Will pray for more rest for everyone tonight, tomorrow is a new day!
Good to hear that everything is progressing as it should. I am praying that you guys have another night of rest.
Just got home and have b een catching up. Glad things have been progressing nicely, and I hope that extubation goes well. We are continuiung to pray that all will be well and that she will have a smooth road to recovery.
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