Thursday, July 06, 2006
Update: Day 2 PICU 01

No transfusions. This was my suspicion. Patty was just confusing her getting blood with a transfusion. She has however had about every blood product the blood bank offers. She has not had white cells. But she got whole blood, platelets, plasma, and red cells. Her chest drains have slowed substantially. She only had about 20cc output overnight. This means the fluid in her chest is decreasing and the bleeding is stopped. Her urine output has really picked up today after a morning dose of lasix.
She started stirring a little and coughing against the vent after they decreased her sedative by half. She has since received a PRN dose of morphine and versed and seems to be much more comfortable.
I spoke to the surgeon in the hall. They are going to close her chest this afternoon between surgeries. They have two heart surgeons on staff here and each one has two or three cases today. Plus, they just wheeled an infant into surgery from the PICU emergently. It is starting to get pretty busy around here.
Anyway, Sophia is set for chest closure after her surgeons second case, a VSD closure he just started. So likely, it will be 2:30pm or 3pm.
If all goes well and we are real lucky maybe we can get Sophia off the ventilator by tonight. But, they can't wean any of her meds until the chest is closed. Keep your fingers crossed.
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Glad to hear from you all and that things seem to be going well for precious Sophia. Will check later tonight in hopes for a chest closure update and will continue to pray.
Good news about her progress thus far. Still praying for you and your family.Stay strong.She's doing great.
Just came across your blog from Brayden's. I am glad things are going well for the recovery! I will pray for Sophia!
My son, Miles has TOF w/PA too, but does not have PS in the branch arteries like your Sophia. He turned 2 in May. I will also pray for you and your wife that you will be able to rest in the care she is receiving.
Houston, TX
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My son, Miles has TOF w/PA too, but does not have PS in the branch arteries like your Sophia. He turned 2 in May. I will also pray for you and your wife that you will be able to rest in the care she is receiving.
Houston, TX
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