Friday, July 07, 2006



Not much has changed since chest closure. They have made some changes to her ventilator settings that require her to breath on her own a little. They eliminated a couple of medicines for controlling her blood pressure and profusion.
Her chest drainage is way down. They increased her lasix (diuretic) to get some more fluid off her lungs. They increased her calcium to a dose more appropriate for her age and weight. Because we have had no real follow-up on her DiGeorge Syndrome we had suspected her dose was a little low. Plus, calcium is used up in the healing process after surgery. So her low calcium levels may just be an acute reaction to surgery. We do not know yet if she will require more calcium at home or not. The ICU doctors are consulting endochrinology.
Also, her platelet levels were low. So she got some platelets as well. They aren't concerned at this point. Obviously, if they continue to be low they will start looking for a cause, like clotting somewhere.
She has been opening her eyes and holding our hand. But mostly she is still pretty sleepy. So now, we are just waiting for her to wake up enough to come off the ventilator and be extubated. She is just barely breathing over the vent at this time. I will post if anything new happens. But for now we are just waiting for Sophia to wake up.
Sweet baby, will continue to pray for Sophia's recovery and for her extubation.
Just wanted to let you know that I have been following all of your posts, I am sorry I cannot be there, its just so difficult with Porter, but I am keeping up with all of your updates and hope to see the gorgeous girl this weekend. Love you all!
Continuing to pray for Sophia's recovery and your strength and patience.God bless you.
stay strong brothaman. we're wishing you guys and little girl the best.
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