Monday, July 10, 2006
What A Morning...

Sophia's heart rate continued to rise overnight and into the morning. At one point this morning it reached as high as 188 bpm. The consensus seemed to be dehydration probably brought on by a combination of vomiting and diuretics (lasix). There is of course the possibility she is developing an infection. She has been getting motrin every four hours and still has a slightly elevated temperature. Her CVC test was on the high-end of normal, no strong indications of infection. It is a blood test I am guessing it tests for bacteria colonization from the central line. Her central line was removed yesterday. They took blood cultures and a urine culture. She got three IV fluid boluses and is receiving maintenance fluids.
Her cardiologist had an EKG and cardiac ultrasound done. She has no fluid around her heart and her xray showed her lungs were pretty dry.
She is still getting her respiratory treatments every four hours.
She lost all three of her IVs this morning. So, vascular access was here twice this morning. First to draw her blood cultures and then to start a new IV.
They are treating her for infection with IV antibiotics even though her cultures won't show anything for 48 hours.
For now, she seems to be responding well to the fluid boluses. She is getting a tiny bit of oxygen just to help her breath easier. Her heart rate is trending down and she is finally resting.
This was an incredibly difficult morning. There was one test or procedure after another and a half a dozen people at a time in Sophia's room from about 7am until just about a half hour ago. The ICU attending even came up to evaluate Sophia with the possibility of going back to the ICU.
We are all pretty wasted. You might imagine that I need to know what is going on the whole time. With all this activity and multiple procedures going on at once I was about to completely shut down from information overload.
I will try to enjoy a break while we have it.
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I know it is important to you to stay informed and involved, but to be there and be effective, you also need to take care of yourselves, I hope you can get some rest. Love you and thinking about you!
Information overload, I know what you mean!
I'm praying that all her cultures come back negative, and that you all can rest soon.
I'm praying that all her cultures come back negative, and that you all can rest soon.
You were correct to write "what a morning"! It must so easy to get overwhelmed with all that information being thrown at you.
Praying for the three of you to have a restful and calm night and that things will be better in the morning.
Praying for the three of you to have a restful and calm night and that things will be better in the morning.
Poor baby, poor Mommy and Daddy too! Praying that the cultures show infection and that Sophia's heart rate continues to go down back to normal. Tomorrow is a new day and hoping an easier one too.
What a rough day. I've never dealt with those things on the floor. I know you hate to go back to ICU but it's all about what's best for Sophia and if she needs it - you'll go. Thinking of you guys. I'd love to come up but I'd have Jonah in tow and I don't want to bug Sophia.
you need to rest whenever Sophia rests.
I know it is a noisy place and people keep coming in and disturbing everyone.
Would be great if all this could be treated at home so you all could rest.
I love you all, take care of yourselves and please ask for anything and I will try to do it.
I know it is a noisy place and people keep coming in and disturbing everyone.
Would be great if all this could be treated at home so you all could rest.
I love you all, take care of yourselves and please ask for anything and I will try to do it.
Oh, guys -- things have been so crazy for you!! I hope that Sophia's heart rate comes down and stabilizes and that the cultures show that she is infection free. I also hope that all 3 of you get some good rest tonight. I'm still praying.
Hola all! I am relieved to know the boluses are helping with her dehydration. I pray that the cultures are negative for infection. I also pray that with the fluid and prophylactic antibiotics she will be able to get more rest and that her heart rate & temp will go down. It's hard to rest with breathing treatments, they keep you amped. I know you are all spent. Please try to get rest as you can. I pray you will all have a good night in snoozeland. I love you guys!
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